Winter Solstice and the Great Conjunction
Change - (n.) the act or instance of making or becoming different
The winter solstice marks the day with the shortest amount of daylight and the longest night. It is a time to go within - to sit in the stillness of the dark in order to access that which is not otherwise available. There cannot always be light, as with the dualistic aspect of nature, there must also be periods of darkness. As a society, we have become so removed from the cycles and laws of nature that we fear the dark and neglect to rest, restore, shut down, or hibernate like other creatures of the animal kingdom.
The two of pentacles calls us to be adaptable and flexible, in order to restore and create balance.
This year removed most of our yearly cultural time markers (holidays, birthday celebrations, the start of NBA season, etc) which typically move us through the years, calling many of us to slow down and return to the inherent cycle that is entwined within our DNA - to flow in alignment with Mother Earth. It is also a reminder to be aware of where you place your energy as you prioritize your life and move forward with creating the life you want.
With the supporting cards of the three of wands reversed, five of swords and the ten of pentacles reversed, we are asked to remember that adapting doesn’t mean playing it safe and thinking small. There will be conflicts which lie within feeling comfortable playing it safe, staying within the confines of what you know in order to provide materially and actually taking calculated risks to following your heart.
Use the solstice as a time to go within whether to integrate and rest or to ask your heart what it really wants. And from there, begin again.
The New Moon Eclipse foreshadows powerful changes to come. Though the light maybe currently darkened, it is only in passing so continue on your path and know it is supported. The next card of “Change” shows a butterfly. When a caterpillar goes into a chrysalis, its own enzymes basically eat it and it then regrows into a butterfly! A wonder of nature but it all starts with the one step of beginning the chrysalis. Do remember to take one step at a time as there is no rushing nature.
Once you’ve changed, you’ll then be emboldened to make the first move with the cardinal moon. Cardinal signs lead naturally and are inspired to set things in motion which will lead you into co-creating your future as the days lengthen and we celebrate the return of the light. Things you never imaged will be imaginable.
With the Great Conjunction, we release old patterns and ways of being that no longer serve us. Jupiter invites us to grow, expand, and dream. To dream the unimaginable - the dream your soul yearns for, whispers in the stillness, the mission of your heart. And while you dream your loftiest dreams, Saturn brings the discipline and structure necessary to bring them forth into reality, reminding us that what you put in is what you get out. It is a time of finding and creating your freedom. Co-creation with the Divine.
Feel free to comment below and let me know what you think! <3 Happy Solstice!