Gemini New Moon

void - (n.) a completely empty space

Oooooophffffff the energy has been feeling chaotic and heavy as it’s been for a while and I’ve been feeling it in my body more than usual. My teacher told me to ground with my bare feet on the earth so I grabbed my mat, some cards, and headed to the green by the water. 

On the grass, I placed my feet on the earth, watched the birds, moved my body and felt the sun and wind on my skin connecting to nature and Spirit. Like second nature, my hands began to shuffle, feeling the weathered cards and hearing their swish automatically calmed and quieted things. 

I pulled for myself and as I was about to leave the wind picked up and blew out several cards. I chased them across the grass and I took it as a sign from Spirit that this was a message for the collective for the Gemini New Moon.

The Void and Wheel of Fortune

As we exited tumultuous eclipse season, many of us expected things to become lighter, maybe brighter. While they may have been, it lasted for like a second, maybe a week. It felt as if the eclipses shifted and fast-tracked timelines, landing us in the void as things continue to settle. The void is the place where there both is and is not - the unknown. As it comes with the Wheel of Fortune, we are told that everything that is happening is destined - part of our personal and collective karma. For those suffering, know the wheel always turns. Nothing lasts forever. This time in the void, allows us time to explore before creation. 

The Seas of Mintaka and Five of Wands 

By embracing the stillness of the great cosmic womb, we are given access to the seas of Mintaka where we see infinite potential while bringing unconsciousness to light. This unconsciousness includes remnants of old patterns, imprints, and narratives which may have once kept us safe stirring up conflict and disagreement within oneself. It is by releasing these unconscious patterns brought to light that we may move forward.

During this time, it may feel at one moment like you’re filled with the joy of life and creation and in the next, you’re thrown into the depths existential crisis. Such are the two sides of Gemini.

Inner Earth and Four of Wands 

Moving through the discomfort of this internal struggle, we are comforted by the appearance of Inner Earth which proclaims that we will survive this but only through new solutions and beginnings - a change of perspective. The card shows a coastal town set in the cliffside and reversed it shows the mist rolling through the mountains and the trees. Through this shifted perspective we will find the stability of the Four of Wands and reason for joyous celebration.


Lastly, I noticed the transition of the Oracle cards from formless ether to more contained water to solid earth. A movement of energy through the elements to materialize in the 3D.

How does this resonate? How’ve you all been feeling???



Song of Ourself