Journey within

Finding joy through connection with mind, body, and soul.

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Photo credit: Anders Beer, 2017


Yoga: (n.) Sanskrit “union”

Society has taught us to control our impulses and that only certain aspects of ourselves are acceptable. Because of that, I’ve spent the majority of my life trying to curb a very wild, unconventional and real part of me which, I would now say is, the best part.

I learned the hard way that that sort of self-denial and fragmenting of the soul, leads to all sorts of disease and ailments of the mind and body. When there’s an inherent split in that which is supposed to be whole, there are going to be issues.

What I’ve noticed from a lifetime of traveling and having experienced both the highest highs and abysmal lows of life, is the dualistic nature of all things. Life and Death. Light and Dark. Rest and Action. Shiva and Shakti. One cannot exist without the other. It is the way of nature.

And so it is with yoga. In Sanskrit, yoga means “union” or “to yoke.” I believe it is not joining to create anew but to yoke that which already exists. Yoga is not just physical postures but the exploration and unification of all parts of Self.

My goal is to provide a safe space for you to explore, play and create within yourself by providing multiple paths of self-care.

Check out my classes and upcoming workshops to start your self-care journey today!

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What people are saying.

“Kat helped me obliterate a decade-long mental boulder in the span of an hour. Through a combination of her training in stress relief science and her spiritual intuitive guidance, I was able to zoom outside of myself and be exposed to my own blind spots. I recognized how I was creating my own blockages and that I had the power to let them go. In that moment, I felt free from the things that I was doing to hold myself back. Thank you, Kat, for your help in smashing that boulder so I can move with flow and ease into my next chapter!”

— Ruby V.

“Kat was able to customize the session to my needs and pinpoint the physical manifestation of my stress [through somatic stress release].  The combination of yoga and meditation has been extremely helpful in my personal journey.”

— Joe S.

With an emphasis on self-care, I provide a safe space for you to explore within, whether you’re just starting out or seeking to deepen your practice.